300+ reviews and the average is 5 stars? With an easy rating?! Yes, please. Let the cooking begin.
We're having sweet potato fries instead of mashed potatoes because my mom decided to grow mutant giant sweet potatoes this summer and she gave Jordan and I one. We have eaten this potato twice and we still have enough to feed 2-3 as a side for dinner tonight. Erin left to go back to Minnesnowta and I told her I would eat the leftovers in her fridge too (because I'm a good friend) which is where the broccoli comes from. Also Jordan and I invited Garrett and Kristy over (our wunderbar neighbors) for dinner and Kristy said she'll make dessert. Kristy's desserts are the BOMB so we know that if dinner sucks, at least we know dessert will be baller.
Step 1: Thaw the beef
Step 2: Figure out how to blend the vegetables together without a food processor. Here's to hoping the blender will work! - Slowly but surely
Step 3: Brown the meat - using a non-dutch oven because we don't have one and we're too broke to go out and get one now. We'll use the hand-me-down giant pan from my mom.
Step 4: Fill the apartment with smoke and move every fan to the kitchen area and open the windows.
Step 5: Put the 'whipped/chopped/pureed/liquified/blended' veggies in the bottom of the pot.
Step 6: Reposition the fans so they're blowing smoke away still :D
Step 7: Move the veggies around until they're brownish - then pour red wine in until you have about 1/3 of the bottle left.
Step 8: Sip the wine and see if it's good
a) not good - offer it to guests
b) good - drink the rest
Step 9: Stir around the wine and veggies until they're reduced by half.
Step 10: Add the beef to the pot, throw on 2 cups of water, and throw it in the oven at 375 for 3 hours.
-oh! Your pot doesn't fit in the oven with the lid on? Remove the lid and add aluminum foil (this will work, right? meh. why not?)
Step 11: Halfway through flip the ribs over and put it back in the oven
Step 12: For the last 20 minutes remove the 'lid' or whatever you're using as a lid
Step 13: Realize your sweet potatoes are awfully limp and send your man to the store to get russet potatoes because you know they'll go better with the meal anyway.
I know this picture is blurry but if you had to sit in my apartment and smell this dankness cooking for 3 hours you wouldn't have time for fancy photography either
Delicious Level: 5/5 Noms (om nom nom nom nom nom)
Difficulty Level: meh
Lesson Learned: buy an apron/ wear tie dye when cooking this meal
Here's to eatin' good and eatin' local! Cheers and uff-da!